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Setting the Standards for Automation

                                                Practical Solutions from Industry Experts

                                    ISA (D): Monthly Technical Meet Feruary 2025  

ISA Delhi Section is pleased to announce Technical Presentation by M/s ISTEC on 28th February'2025. 

Topic: "Istec’s Enhanced Asset Reliability: Making Advanced Speed and Vibration Monitoring more accessible,  

Technical Expert Speaker: 

Mr. Wouter Verschuren- CEO , ISTEC NL
Mr. Ram Shukla- Business Development Manager -ISTEC NL
Mr. Vivek K Tyagi- Country Manager- ISTEC Sensing India  

Venue:  Mirza Ghalib Chamber, Scope Convention Centre, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110003     

Date: 28th February 2025 (Friday), at 6.30 PM.    

Sl. No.                        Activity Description                                  Time

a.                                 Registration                                   6:00 pm to 6:30 pm

b.                             Technical Presentations                   6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

c.                             Networking Dinner                            8:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Kindly note that this Technical Session will also include key point discussion by Industry experts from end user including Technical Q&A Sessions. 

You are requested to reserve the above Date & Time in your calendar to attend this Technical Meet. 

We are sure you will find this technical session of your interest & very useful in enhancing your knowledge.  

We need your full participation and support in this Technical Meet along with your associates from Instrumentation & Control, Rotating Machines, Electrical, Process and Operation, Engineering and Projects divisions of your organization. 

We wish to welcome you in this Monthly Technical Meet – February 2025. 

Please ensure your presence by 6:00 PM so that the program schedule can be maintained.  

With Warm Regards, 

Some Nath Kundu
Hony. Secretary
ISA Delhi Section